Just a few quick pictures from Loughborough to bridge the gap until our next scuba-related post!
These pictures were taken on the Queen's birthday, in Queen's Park in the centre of Loughborough. This was her actual birthday on April 21st, not the floating Saturday in June when the official party in London occurs, with the Trooping the Colour and whatnot. It was a lovely day out, and any day without rain in the UK is one that you have to get outside and enjoy! We thought we'd have a picnic in honour of Her Maj's special day.
The building below is the Carillon Tower and War Museum. It was built as a memorial to the local casualties of WWI in 1922, and the 47 bells in the tower were built at a local foundry. This business is best known for making the huge bell (Great Paul) for St. Paul's Cathedral in London, which weighs over 16 tons! The cast for that gigantic bell is also in this park. I had never considered the process of bell-making before, but the big bell apparently took 4 days to cool and set, so they didn't know for quite a while if it will sound the correct musical note. I have no idea how you design a bell to ring a specific musical note, but that's why I don't work at a bellfoundry. Apparently this foundry and staff have been in business one way or another since the 14th century, and are now the largest bellfoundry in the world!
Anyways, the Carillon is apparently the only purpose-built Carillon in the UK, and is said to have a great view over Loughborough. I wouldn't know, because the visiting hours for this tower are incredibly short and we keep missing them!
This park has a lot of interesting and disparate areas, like a bird sanctuary and a bandstand. It also had one of those areas which is a combination of playground and workout equipment, with signs to show you how many calories you can burn if you climb up and down a pole again and again for half an hour. But what kind of fool would do that?
Oh. |
Whee!! |
After our picnic (with cheese brought back from Switzerland and the Netherlands!), we also took a stroll through the downtown core. I do love the repurposing of old houses and buildings in the UK, although less so when it's my workplace and there are annoyances like having to use a few weak radiators for heating the entire place!
This is our bank! |
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Our local movie theatre is to the left |
The next picture was actually from the drive down to Chepstow, but I thought it illustrated something interesting about the UK. Of all of the too-narrow, hairpin-turned roads in this country, it was a little frightening to see that this one was EXTRA dangerous. Of course, they aren't actually going to DO anything about it... just try and scare you into slowing down.
More pictures from the drive to and around Chepstow:
Just an average view here. We don't even stop the car anymore, just roll down the window! |
This is a service centre on the side of the highway. It looks like a hobbit house! |
That's it for now! Justin will be back soon with more scuba adventures and tales of shenanigans!
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